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December 02, 2015 : The Mobius Strip

The Mini Page is a syndicated, four-page tabloid written for young children found each Wednesday in The Denver Post. This issue of The Mini Page is available through the eEdition Archive to registered eEdition subscribers

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1. Follow the directions in the Mini Page to make your own Mobius strip out of white paper. Now give the strip to a friend and ask him/her to color just one side. What does your friend say about the strip?

2. Most comic strips are written in three or four panels. Cut out all the comic strips in one day’s newspaper. Now arrangement them in a vertical pattern – like alternating four panels and three panels. Or make your own pattern. Share your arrangement with friends.

3. Collect your favorite comic strip for four days. Paste four days’ strips together in a line. Now make a Mobius strip from yo ur four days of comic strips. Have a friend read the strip in a continuous loop.

4. How does the Mobius strip relate to these: (a) a conveyor belt, (b) a flask, (c) magnetic particles around the Earth and (d) an old - fashioned music tape?

5. Learn more about the Mobius strip on the Internet. List the many different ways there are applications for the strip.

Mini Page activities meet many state and national educational standards. Each week we identify standards that relate to The Mini Page content and offer activities that will help your students reach them.

This week's standard:
Students have a basic under standing of numbers, operations and quantitative reasoning; students understand patterns, relations and functions. (Math)

(standards by Dr. Sherrye D. Garrett, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

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