NewsTracker Answers for week of May 06, 2013

Q: Hungary's far-right Jobbik party staged a rally to protest a meeting of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in the nation's capital. The WJC said it chose to meet in Hungary this year to highlight what it sees as the rise of neo-Nazi parties and growing anti-Semitism in Europe. Where is Hungary on this map?

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Q: Jobbik regularly issues anti-Semitic statements and said it was protesting what it claimed is a Jewish attempt to buy up Hungary. Several hundred supporters took part in the rally in Hungary's capital . . .

A. Baden-Baden

B. Belgrade

C. Bucharest

D. Budapest

D. Hungary's prime minister tried to ban the rally by Hungary's third-largest political party. His ban was overruled by a Budapest court, but police security was tight around the capital protest.

Q: Some of those taking part in the rally were wearing the black uniform of Jobbik's banned paramilitary wing, which has been accused of vigilante action against Hungary's Roma communities. What are Roma's also called?

A. Romanians

B. Gypsies

C. Italians

D. Muslims

B. Roma are members of an ethnic group mostly living in Europe who have been traced genetically to people migrating from the northwestern Indian subcontinent about 1,500 years ago. The English name Gypsy arose from the mistaken belief the group originated in Egypt. Gypsy is considered derogatory by many Roma because of negative and stereotypical associations with the term.

Q: Nearly half a million Hungarian Jews and thousands of Roma were systematically murdered duing World War II. Which nation was Hungary NOT allied with in World War II?

A. Germany

B. Italy

C. Yugoslavia

D. Japan

C. Hungary entered the war on the side of the Axis Powers -- Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Japanese Empire. Hungarian troops joined German invasions of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. During a later German occupation, Hungarian police helped deport 440,000 Jews to Nazi death camps.

Q: Nazis and other extremist groups gained political power during the turmoil of the Great Depression. Which European nations are now experiencing very tough economic conditions?

A. Greece

B. Spain

C. Portugal

D. All of the above

D. Unemployment in Portugal is 17.5 percent while more than a quarter of the people in Spain and Greece are out of work. After six years of brutal recession, surveys indicate Greece's anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party would be the nation's third largest if elections were held now. Golden Dawn's leader denies the Holocaust, and party members often give Nazi-style salutes. But, the party denies it is neo-Nazi.