NewsTracker Answers for week of Dec. 08, 2014

Q: An epidemic which could have a global impact is killing tens of thousands of India's infants afflicted with bacterial infections that are resistant to most known antibiotics. Where is India on this map of Eurasia?

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Q: Nearly a third of the world’s newborn deaths occur in India. Which nation has the most infant deaths per 1,000 births?

A. Afghanistan

B. Burundi

C. Cambodia

D. India

A. About 117 of every 1,000 babies born in Afghanistan die before their first birthday. Burundi, Cambodia and 46 other nations also have higher infant death rates than India's 43 deaths for every 1,000 births. But, India is the world's second most populous nation with more than 1.2 billion people.

Q: Like other nations with high infant mortality, India lacks proper sanitation for most of its people and bacterial infections are rampant. Which nation provides access to improved sanitation facilities for all of its people?

A. Sweden

B. Bulgaria

C. United States

D. All of the above

D. Modern sewage systems are widespread in Europe and most of North America. India's uncontrolled use of antibiotics to fight its bacterial infections has produced “a tsunami of antibiotic resistance that is reaching just about every country in the world,” according to one microbiologist.

Q: Poor sanitation also has been blamed in India's high rate of childhood malnutrition. Which nation reports the lowest rate of underweight children under the age of 5?

A. Albania

B. Australia

C. Chile

D. United Sates

B. According to the CIA World Factbook, only 0.2 percent of Australian children under 5 are underweight. Chile is second lowest with 0.5 percent. India's rate of 43.5 percent is the world's second highest.

Q: India's long economic boom has done little to improve childhood malnutrition. India now has the world's third largest economy just behind . . .

A. Russia

B. Brazil

C. China

D. United States

C. The U.S. has the largest economy followed by China and then India. The so-called BRIC nations - Brazil, Russia, India and China - have all experienced rapid economic growth in recent decades.