NewsTracker Answers for week of Oct. 12, 2015

Q: Israel and the territories it controls have been hit by a wave deadly stabbing attacks, shootings and bombs in clashes between Arabs and Jews – triggering fears that the situation could escalate into a wider uprising. Where is Israel?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip territories were all once called what?

A. Arabia

B. Babylonia

C. Palestine

D. Mesopotamia

C. The area was the British Mandate of Palestine, and it was once part of the ancient Roman province of Palestine. The Palestine Mandate was divided during fighting between the newly created state of Israel and neighboring Arab states in 1948. Israel captured and occupied the West Bank and Gaza during another war with its Arab neighbors in 1967.

Q: The recent unrest has been caused in part by a dispute over control over an area of Jerusalem revered as holy by both Muslims and Jews. Muslims call it the Noble Sanctuary. What it do Jews call it?

A. Temple Mount

B. Mount Sinai

C. Calvary

D. Masada

A. According to the Bible, both Jewish Temples stood at the Temple Mount. It is the holiest site in Judaism which regards it as the place where God's divine presence is manifested more than any other place. Muslims consider it Islam's third-holiest site and the place where Muhammad ascended to heaven.

Q: The thousands of Jews who have moved into the West Bank can vote in Israeli elections, but Arabs there cannot. What is the major reason Israel did not simply annex the West Bank and Gaza and give everyone citizenship?

A. UN wouldn't allow it

B. Arab workers unneeded

C. Arab nations opposed it

D. To maintain a Jewish state

D. Many Israeli leaders fear that a growing Arab population threatens the nation's status as a Jewish homeland. Israel has given all Jews the right of return and to live in Israel and gain Israeli citizenship. About 1.7 million Arabs whose families remained in Israel when the nation was established are Israeli citizens, but millions of Arabs who fled Israel or live in the West Bank and Gaza are not.

Q: Political leaders are worried the violence could turn into another general uprising by Arab Palestinians protesting Israeli control. What were two earlier uprisings called in Arabic?

A. Fatwa

B. Intifada

C. Hajj

D. Mufti

B. Intifada is an Arabic word for “shake” which is popularly translated into English as “uprising, resistance or rebellion.” Palestinian Intifadas in 1987-1991 and 2000-2005 were triggered by clashes with Israeli military forces and disputes over religious sites. A mufti is a scholar who issues a fatwa, or legal opinion on Islamic law. The Hajj is an Islamic pilgrimage.