NewsTracker Answers for week of July 17, 2023

Q: Guatemala is caught in its most troubled presidential election in recent times after an anti-corruption candidate made an unexpectedly strong showing in the first round of voting. But, all of Central America is experiencing a wave of political turbulence. Where is Guatemala?

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Q: Central America consists of seven countries between Mexico to the north and which nation to the south?

A. Argentina

B. Belize

C. Colombia

D. Venezuela

C. The countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama lie between Mexico in North America and Colombia in South America. Central America is part of North America, and it is the narrowest land area separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean.

Q: Opponents tried to ban the anti-corruption candidate in Guatemala, which like much of Central America has a poor record on corruption. Central America’s biggest country is ranked as the region’s most corrupt. Which nation is the largest by area?

A. Belize

B. Honduras

C. El Salvador

D. Nicaragua

D. Nicaragua ranks below all its neighbors on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has gone all-out to silence any dissent, including recently forcing hundreds of opponents into exile, stripping them of their citizenship and seizing their properties.

Q: Costa Rica ranked best in the region on the corruption index. It also is the second-wealthiest nation in Central America. Which nation is the region’s wealthiest?

A. Panama

B. Nicaragua

C. Honduras

D. Guatemala

A. Panama is Central America’s wealthiest country with a gross domestic product per person of $29,000, compared with $21,200 per person in neighboring Costa Rica. Each of these two southernmost nations are twice as wealthy as every other country in the region. They are usually relatively stable, but both Panama and Costa Rica are facing new political challenges.

Q: Many Central Americans have sought refuge in the United States as they fled violent drug gangs. The smallest nation in the region has gone to war against the gangs, but it also has been accused of mass human rights abuses. What is the region’s smallest country by area?

A. Belize

B. El Salvador

C. Honduras

D. Guatemala

B. El Salvador’s president suspended constitutional rights and threw 1 in every 100 people in the country into prison. A sharp dip in violence followed the actions, and other governments trying to mimic the politician who has said he’ll run for reelection even though it is illegal under the nation’s constitution.