Rare mushroom blamed for mystery deaths in China

Q: A tiny mushroom, little known to scientists, is behind some 400 sudden deaths in China. Where is China?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The investigation into the deaths was initially hampered by language barriers, and the remote locations of the Yunnan villages where the deaths occurred. Which is the most common of the many languages spoken in China?

A. Cantonese

B. Mandarin

C. Min

D. Wu

Q: Yunnan province is at the southern end of China. Which of these southeastern Asia nations does NOT border Yunnan?

A. Burma

B. Laos

C. Thailand

D. Vietnam

Q: What is the official name of the nation commonly called China?

A. Republic of China

B. People's Republic of China

C. Communist Republic of China

D. Democratic Republic of China

Q: Since China began giving up state control and ownership of all business in 1978, it has become the world's . . .

A. Most developed nation

B. Biggest exporter

C. Richest nation

D. All of the above

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