Kenya celebrates its new constitution

Q: Kenya has adopted a new constitution, more than three weeks after it was overwhelmingly approved in a national referendum. Where is Kenya?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Despite being wanted for war crimes, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was present as the constitution was signed into law. Sudan is Kenya's neighbor to the . . .

A. Southeast

B. East

C. Northwest

D. West

Q: The debate over a new constitution for Kenya lasted 20 years. Which of these nations has an unwritten constitution?

A. France

B. Germany

C. Russia

D. United Kingdom

Q: Which nation ruled Kenya as a colony until 1963?

A. France

B. Germany

C. Russia

D. United Kingdom

Q: Kenya is named after Mount Kenya, the second highest peak in Africa. What is the highest mountain in Africa?

A. Kilimanjaro

B. Malawi

C. Tanganyika

D. Victoria

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