Thailand seizes smuggled lizards

Q: Customs officials in Thailand have seized 1,800 protected lizards said to be destined to be sold as food. Where is Thailand?

Circle the area on this map

Q: One Thai customs official suggested the Bengal monitor lizards were destined for Chinese kitchens. China is . . .

A. North of Thailand

B. East of Thailand

C. South of Thailand

D. West of Thailand

Q: The Bengal monitors are related to other members of the monitor family, including the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon. Where are Komodo dragons found?

A. Thailand

B. Malaysia

C. Indonesia

D. Only in zoos

Q: Before it became Thailand, the country was known as . . .

A. Tonkin

B. Bengal

C. Ceylon

D. Siam

Q: A revolution in 1932 left Thailand with what form of government?

A. Absolute monarchy

B. Military dictatorship

C. Constitutional monarchy

D. Democratic republic

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