Hermit arrested after hiding 27 years in Maine wilderness

Q: A 47-year-old man was arrested last week, suspected of committing more than 1,000 burglaries of camps and summer homes to support his 27-year existence as a hermit in the wilderness of Maine. Where is Maine on this map?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The hermit used propane to cook and said he never burned wood because he feared a fire would attract people. Maine is . . .

A. 90% forest

B. Coldest state

C. Least populated state

D. All of the above

Q: The U.S. Border Patrol supplied the surveillance camera that led to the hermit's arrest during a burglary at a camp. Maine is bordered by the Canadian provinces of Quebec and . . .

A. Ontario

B. British Columbia

C. New Brunswick

D. Newfoundland

Q: Maine residents said the man would steal food, clothing and camping supplies but leave money and other valuables untouched. Maine was once ruled by . . .

A. France

B. England

C. Massachusetts

D. All of the above

Q: Much of Maine was part of the French colony of Acadia. After the British conquered the colony, they expelled about one third of the French-speaking colonists. Most of the deported Acadians went to . . .

A. France

B. Louisiana

C. St. Louis

D. Devil's Island

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