Mayan pyramid destroyed in Belize

Q: A 2,300-year-old Mayan pyramid in Belize was destroyed by a road-building company seeking gravel for road filler, officials say. Where is the small Central American country of Belize on this map?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The ancient Maya civilization covered an area that includes several modern nations including Belize's western and southern neighbor . . .

A. Panama

B. Guatemala

C. Nicaragua

D. Columbia

Q: There are about 6 million ethnic Mayas living in southern Mexico and Central America. What are the Maya people called?

A. Aboriginal

B. Indigenous

C. Native American

D. All of the above

Q: What is the official language of Belize?

A. English

B. French

C. Spanish

D. Mayan

Q: The Spanish Conquistadors claimed the area of Belize as a Spanish colony in the 16th century but did not settle there because of stiff Mayan resistance and a lack of resources like gold. What brought the first British settlers to Belize in the 1600s?

A. Slave trade

B. Banana plantations

C. Piracy

D. Sugar plantations

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