Iran agrees to limit nuclear program

Q: Iran agreed to curb some of its nuclear activities in return for some relief from economic sanctions while a permanent deal is negotiated over the next six months. Where is Iran on this map?

Circle the area on this map

Q: World powers have suspected Iran's nuclear program is secretly aiming at developing a nuclear bomb - a charge Iran has consistently denied. Which nation bordering Iran has nuclear weapons?

A. Russia

B. Pakistan

C. Turkey

D. All of the above

Q: Israeli leaders called the agreement a “historic mistake” and once again raised the specter of a potential military strike on Iran's nuclear sites. Which nation did Israel attack in the past to block a nuclear program?

A. Egypt

B. Iraq

C. Pakistan

D. Syria

Q: Which nation attacked and damaged the same Iraqi nuclear site few months before the Israeli raid?

A. Iran

B. Russia

C. Turkey

D. United States

Q: The agreement represents the first thaw in relations between Iran and the United States since a 1979 Islamic revolution ousted a monarch the CIA had helped put in power because of a dispute over . . .

A. Religion

B. Israel

C. Oil

D. All of the above

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