Insurgents seize cities in Iraq

Q: Insurgents swept across the porous border from Syria to overrun Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, and then began a thrust toward Baghdad, capturing the town of Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein. Where is Iraq?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Who are the competing military factions in Iraq?

A. Sunnis and Shiites

B. Kurds and Arabs

C. All of the above

Q: It appeared the attacking Sunni insurgents wanted to avoid tangling with Kurdish forces and concentrate on fighting Shitte-led governments in Syria and Iraq. Syria is on Iraq's . . .

A. Northern border

B. Eastern border

C. Southern border

D. Western border

Q: Which one of Iraq's neighbors is the main supporter of the Shitte-led governments in Iraq and Syria?

A. Iran

B. Jordan

C. Saudi Arabia

D. Turkey

Q: The fighting between Sunni and Shia forces threatens a fragile stability in the region. Which branch of Islam is the largest?

A. Shia

B. Sunni

C. Sufi

D. Nation of Islam

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