Greece votes against austerity

Q: After five years of falling pay, job losses, government spending cuts and tax increases, Greeks voted Sunday for a left-wing party that promises to end the tough austerity measures imposed by its international creditors. Where is Greece?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The the left-wing Syriza party has formed a coalition with a right-wing party that also opposes austerity. What form of government does Greece have?

A. Federal republic

B. People's republic

C. Parliamentary democracy

D. Constitutional monarchy

Q: Many Greeks have blamed austerity measures for leaving about three out of 10 Greek citizens in poverty, an unemployment rate of more than 25 percent and deflation. When a nation has deflation it means . . .

A. Prices are rising

B. Prices are falling

Q: The leader of the Syriza party and new prime minister has called on international creditors to forgive much of Greece's crippling debt. As a precedent, he pointed to a 1953 debt-relief deal that allowed which nation to ultimately develop Europe's largest economy?

A. France

B. Germany

C. Russia

D. United Kingdom

Q: Many officials fear a standoff over debt could end with Greece leaving the Eurozone. What is the Eurozone?

A. Nations using the euro

B. European Union

C. European military alliance

D. Europe

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