Zimbabwe calls for extradition of Cecil the lion's killer

Q: The American dentist who killed Cecil the lion was a "foreign poacher" who paid for an illegal hunt and he should be extradited to Zimbabwe to face justice, a government official said. Where is Zimbabwe?

Circle the area on this map

Q: While the death of Cecil caused outrage on social media, many in Zimbabwe were unmoved. "Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country," said a street vendor in the nation's capital . . .

A. Harare

B. Kampala

C. Nairobi

D. Pretoria

Q: The dentist from Minnesota spent $50,000 to hunt the lion which was being monitored by researchers from the nation that once ruled Zimbabwe as a colony. Which nation?

A. Belgium

B. Britain

C. France

D. Germany

Q: Since 1980, Zimbabwe has been ruled by governments headed by Robert Mugabe and suffered from staggering inflation and high unemployment. What was Zimbabwe called before 1980?

A. Angola

B. Botswana

C. Mozambique

D. Rhodesia

Q: Hunting, and to a large extent, conservation, remains a rich "white man's game" throughout southern Africa. Rhodesia and which of its neighbors were ruled by white minority governments after declaring independence from Britain in the 1960s?

A . Botswana

B. Mozambique

C. South Africa

D. Zambia

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