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Draw Your Own Conclusions!

Cartoons for the Classroom Caption Contest
for April 11, 2011 to April 24, 2011

Study the drawing below and come up with your own caption.

On April 24, 2011 we'll award a copy of the Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2014 Edition to the student who submits the best caption for this cartoon.

Download a printer-friendly version of this blank cartoon here.

Download this lesson to see the caption the artist used.

41 captions were submitted for this cartoon

Winning caption

It's not what it looks like.

King High School
Tampa, FL

What do you mean the economy is hurting? Corporations are doing just fine!

Westgate School
Arlington Heights, IL
April 20, 2011

" It is more blessed to give than to receive".

--Anam Arif
King High School
Tampa, FL
April 18, 2011

I bet you want this... Man, that sucks!

--Jessica C.
King high
tampa, fl
April 18, 2011

We're sorry we can't hire you, but with this unstable economy we need to save our money. You understand how it is...

--Alexa M.
C. Leon King High School
Tampa, FL
April 17, 2011


April 15, 2011

I wonder why you are unemployed?

King High School
Tampa, FL
April 15, 2011

I'm not giving you this money.This is mine!Go find a job!

--Tracsean Kirby
King High School
Tampa, Fl
April 15, 2011

Sorry the economy sucks, were all suffering

--Tyler W
King High school
Tampa, FL
April 15, 2011

It's not what it looks like.

King High School
Tampa, FL
April 15, 2011

You can have all the tea-parties you want. I dont have to pay taxes anyway.

--Morgan Douglas
C. Leon King high School
Tampa, Fl
April 15, 2011

Hey kid, it's bada bing bada boom. You know what I'm saying?

--Sarah Tobias
C. Leon King High School
Tampa, FL
April 15, 2011

I'm the big man who calls the shots, your FIRED!

King High School
Tampa, Fl
April 15, 2011

May God bless you!

--Grace William
April 15, 2011

If I couldn't make so much money how could I donate to the salvation army that feeds you?

Friedrichshafen, BW
April 14, 2011

"If you had a job, you wouldn't be in the situation you are in!"

--Brooke S.
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

I'd love to hire you, but I'd love a new Porsche more.

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Now that i've got the money, you're fired.

--Rebecca L
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton , MI
April 12, 2011

Sorry not hiring, I'm going to go buy myself lunch.

Hanover Horton
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

What do you want me to do?

hanover horton
jackson, MI
April 12, 2011

your done!

--Danielle B
Hanover Horton
horton, Mi
April 12, 2011

Just because you unemployed people cannot find a job does not mean its my responsibility to give you money.

Hanover Horton High
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Well, im going to tell you your not suitable for the job, but i really just need a new beach house!

hanover horton
horton, mi
April 12, 2011

I would love to give you a job but the government restricts me from doing so, so all the profit goes to me!

--Dylan Comet
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

we wont hire until i make enough money to buy my new car

--Lindsey B
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

It was either you or the Corporate Profit... I don't regret a thing.

Hanover Horton
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Because we're unsure of how long our profits will lastwe're not hiring.

--Matt Sunderman
hanover horton high school
horton, mi
April 12, 2011

I'm not hiring you because i dont want to lose any of my own money

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Ahhhh...the wealth of our nation in my hands. Sorry, none for you.

--Clark V.
Hanover Horton
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

We're not hiring you because we are still making money even though you're unemployed.

Hanover Horton
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

still not hiring till we get two bags of money

hanover horton
horton , MI
April 12, 2011

Your fired

Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

We're not hiring you because were selfish and won't to keep the money.

--Lindy Perlos
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Nobodys hiring the economy is still trying to improve. But they need to try a little bit harder!

--Brittany Bloss
Hanover Horton
horton, mi
April 12, 2011

Excuse me while I go buy a new car and house in florida with all this money :-)

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

even tho there are not any jobs, you need to try harder to find one.

hanover horton
horton, mi
April 12, 2011

All I care about is keeping this money to myself because thats all corporate is good for.

--Natalie H
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Sorry Unemployment, we're making more profit then ever and we don't want to share.

Horton, mi
April 12, 2011

I'm hungry.

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
April 12, 2011

The economy isn't that bad look at all the money piled into this bag. I promise when unemployement gets worse I will start hiring.

--Sammy M
Horton, Mi
April 12, 2011

You're fired!

--Danielle H
Hanover Horton
Horton, Mi
April 12, 2011

No one is hiring but you should try to get a job.

--Kate w
Hanover horton
horton, MI
April 12, 2011

Check out the previous contest here    

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