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Draw Your Own Conclusions!

Cartoons for the Classroom Caption Contest
for October 1, 2012 to October 14, 2012

Study the drawing below and come up with your own caption.

On October 14, 2012 we'll award a copy of the Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2014 Edition to the student who submits the best caption for this cartoon.

Download a printer-friendly version of this blank cartoon here.

Download this lesson to see the caption the artist used.

29 captions were submitted for this cartoon

Logically speaking; tape won't come between me and my words.

Hanover Horton High School
Hanover, MI
October 5, 2012

"Stop me when you hear something you want to hear"

--Marrissa Gibson
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton , Mi
October 5, 2012

He was number 1!!!

Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Nothing will come in between me and my words.

--Spencer S.
Hanover Horton High
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Nothing can stop me from saying all the right things

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Everything I say is a verbal slip, but that doesn't stop me!

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, Mi
October 5, 2012

you can cover my mouth all you want, but im still number one.

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, Mi
October 5, 2012

Nothing will stop me!

Hanover Horton High School
Hanover, MI
October 5, 2012

Obama said it all!

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Shutting me up won't stop me

Hanover- Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Excuse me, excuse me.. We are well over our first fifteen minutes!

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

My tax plan does NOT call for a 5 trillion dollar tex cut!

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

"Wouldn't even have to say a word, it just comes naturally."

Hanover, MI
October 5, 2012

"But you didn't have to cut me off"

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Obama Got my tounge!

--Katie HHHS
Hanover Horton High School
Horton , MI
October 5, 2012

Blah, blah, blah, for me!

--Alysa Huff
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

i don't need that 47%

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, Mi
October 5, 2012

talking with your mouth shut

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton , MI
October 5, 2012

As long as I have my money, no amount of tape can shut me up!

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton , MI
October 5, 2012

The Romney Campaign, "Quick! Grab the ducktape before he says anything."

Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

They will still vote for me. Even if you stop me from talking.

Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

It is not my job to worry about that 47%.

--Kacie P.
Hanover Horton
Hanover, MI
October 5, 2012

The Democrats have got my tongue!

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Even if you try to tape my mouth. I will prove to you that I am right.

--Keelie S.
Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

I might say something that 'they' don't want me to say.

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

There are 47% of people who will vote for the President no matter what!

--Kayla P.
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Maybe I ought to stop with that while everyone is still on my side...

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
October 5, 2012

Just like Georga Washington, I cannot tell a lie, Obama's plan won't work

--Michayla Sailors
Johnson Junior High
Cheyenne, WY
October 3, 2012

he try to provide some of the best teacher's so the student can have a beter education in the future.

--Marceline Dormeus
Mavericks high
Pompano beach, fl
October 3, 2012

Check out the previous contest here    

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