Draw Your Own Conclusions!
Cartoons for the Classroom Caption Contest
for November 12, 2012 to November 25, 2012
Study the drawing below and come up with your own caption.
On November 25, 2012 we'll award a copy of the Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2014 Edition to the student who submits the best caption for this cartoon.
►Download a printer-friendly version of this blank cartoon here.
10 captions were submitted for this cartoon
"The economy rolls off the cliff."
--Paula Skwarek
Larson Middle School
Troy, MI
November 20, 2012
We're out of gas
--Lance Stosiak
Larson Middle School
Troy, MI
November 20, 2012
--Fiona Young
Lincoln Middle
Alameda, CA
November 18, 2012
They never trained us for this in Clown College!!!
--Ryan Newton
The Winston School
Del Mar, CA
November 17, 2012
Plainflied, IL
November 16, 2012
Here We Go Again...
--NIck Andrade
Exeter High School
Exeter, NH
November 14, 2012
Remember! We're professionals. Don't try this at home!
--Luis Actis
Nipher Middle School
Kirkwood, MO
November 13, 2012
Isn't it about time for our Golden Parachute to Open
--Thanakorn Yatchuntuk
seattle, wa
November 13, 2012
Politics ... It's all down hill from here.
Focus Learning Academy
Dallas , Tx
November 12, 2012
Politics ... It's all down hill from here.
Focus Learning Academy
Dallas , Tx
November 12, 2012