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Draw Your Own Conclusions!

Cartoons for the Classroom Caption Contest
for February 4, 2013 to February 17, 2013

Study the drawing below and come up with your own caption.

On February 17, 2013 we'll award a copy of the Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2014 Edition to the student who submits the best caption for this cartoon.

Download a printer-friendly version of this blank cartoon here.

Download this lesson to see the caption the artist used.

69 captions were submitted for this cartoon

College Cupid's freshman fifteen goes straight to his love handles.

--Donna Liebelt
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 17, 2013

Had a bad Valentines Day? Don't worry, your love is probably still in the outbox.

--Donna Liebelt
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 17, 2013

Better upgrade to a semi-automatic before Obama's gun control mandate goes into effect.=!

--Aspen Hansen and Nicole Capello
Allegan High School
Allegan , MI
February 14, 2013

I want to upgrade to a semi-automatic, but the FFA won't allow so many restraining orders.

--Andrea Bazan, Aspen Hansen, Caleb Hotchkiss
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Cupid, suffering from the national unemployment, now lives in his mother's basement.

--David McKeever
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Too bad Cupid can't gain as many Facebook friends as he can pounds....

--P.D. Johnson
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

CRz4U, please hit send for your free Weight Watchers trial.

--Andrea Bazan
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Shooting arrows takes too long; I'll shoot 'em e-mails, instead.

--Caleb Hotchkiss
Allegan High School
Allegan , Mi
February 14, 2013

With the advent of e-dating, Cupid went from handling love to love handles.

--Nicole Cappello
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

The modern Cupid sending love your way through your useful social networks. Who needs to meet in person, anyways?

--Alyssa Dehn
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

I'm to tired this Valentine's Day. People can find love themselves this year.

--Natasha Perez
Grand Prairie HS
Grand Prairie, TX
February 14, 2013

Looks like you Cupid has his own heart problems.

--Desiree Gallo
Grand Prairie HS
Grand Prairie, TX
February 14, 2013

What happens when love meets Facebook.

--Bernard Sloan
Grand Prairie HS
Grand Prairie, TX
February 14, 2013

If you don't love Cupid will get fat.

--Alex Lucero
Grand Prairie HS
Grand Prairie, TX
February 14, 2013

These arrows aren't working, I"m gonna need some insulin.

--Cole Wash
allegan high school
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Who needs lots of love when you can have lots of potato chips?

--Brad Gillette
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Time to check out craigslist for a new bow, hope this one works for me.

--Shay Bilyeu
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

I wish my love for arrows worked as well as my love for these potato chips

--Austin Farrell
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

"E harmony, here i come!"

Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 14, 2013

Chips, my computer, sodas- that is all the love I'll ever need.

--Tylar Fifelski
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 13, 2013

Love at the click of a button; who knew? This calls for a bag of potato chips to celebrate!

--CC Cerven
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 13, 2013

god bless me to give you this happy valitnes day love,your friend

scottdale, AZ
February 13, 2013

"Who needs a diet when you can find love online?"

--Katelyn Beveridge
Hanover-Horton High school
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

who needs love when you have chips and coke!!!!!!!

Hanover horton
Horton, Mi
February 13, 2013

wanna go out for some wings?

Hanover Horton
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Why don't I have anyone..

February 13, 2013

roses are red violets are blue cupid depressed and you will be too.

Hanover Horton
Horton , MI
February 13, 2013

Red bull gives you wings!

--Hunter Cook
Hanover Horton High School
Jackson, MI
February 13, 2013

"Good thing I'm behind the screen this Valentine's Day!"

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

"More love is found on the internet than in real life. The picture on the internet looks better than the person behind the screen."

Hanover-horton High school
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

I'm in love with the internet!

--Kaitlin HHHS
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Why use a bow and arrow now that I have a computer?

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Good thing this is just once a year!

--Jessica Phillips
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

I'm tired of sending everyone else love on Valentine's Day. When will it be my turn?

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

no one needs me anymore now that they have the web...

Hanover-Horton High school
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Well this is how everyone else does it *click*

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton , MI
February 13, 2013

Love has CLEARLY gone blind..

--Kala Glassel
Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Thanks to facebook, I don't even have to fly to shoot my arrows this Valentine's day!

--Alexis D.
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Thanks to Twitter, I don't have to go buy my love anything for Valentines Day, I can just send them a message!

--Kayla P.
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Cupid's mom calls down the stairs. "Cupid, are you ever going to get a job?"

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Even love is digital

--Carrie Kendra
Hanover Horton HIgh
Horton , Mi
February 13, 2013

Love travels fast

--Donovan Molnar
Hanover Horton High School
Horton , MI
February 13, 2013

Might as well munch while I make people fall in love!

Hanover Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day moves into the 21st century...

Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

And they say romance is dead...

--Kelsey T
Hanover-Horton High School
Horton, MI
February 13, 2013

...and Santa Claus thinks his job is easy, this job gets easier every year.

--Leah Harris, Jessica Richter, Breanne Adams
Walter C Young Middle
Pembroke Pines, FL
February 11, 2013

Has the world really come to a point where even love is digital?

--Jeremy Gilick, Mateo Garcia, Michael Weinberg
Walter C Young Middle
Pembroke Pines, FL
February 11, 2013

"Why use wings when you have the web"?

--Chelsi Bunting, Alexis Hebron, Aidan Gordon, Saray Vergel
Walter C Young Middle
Pembroke Pines, FL
February 11, 2013

MATCH(and Munch).com

--Jeffrey Moran
Normandy Sr. High
Florissant, MO
February 9, 2013

I need to start doing my job and make people come together on VALENTINE'S DAY!

--Trindy Cristhel
Skyview Elementary RISD
Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013


--Jaylon Jenkin / Zelena Phillips
skyview Elementary Richardson isd
Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013

The cupid that everybody knows turns out to be fat and lazy. Now he just wants to email people love notes.

--Mario Josiah
Skyview Elementary Richerson isd
Dallas, Tx
February 8, 2013

I think Cupid gave up on love. Now, he can't get his hand out of a chip bag and he is too fat to be a real Cupid.

skyview Elementrary Richardson ISD
Dallas, Tx
February 8, 2013

How Valentine Day is now for people , especially these days!!!!!!!!!!

--Carol orozco
Skyview ElementaryRICHARDSONISD
Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013

A lazy pig Cupid sending love notes on Valentines Day.

--William Tyler
Skyview Elementary Richardson ISD
Dallas, Tx
February 8, 2013

Valentine's day is about LOVE in a different way all around the world.

Skyview Elemantary Risd
Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013

I'm lazy. No more lazy guy. I'll get back up in five days. I'm such a lazy Valentine.

--Christian Demetrius
Skyview Elementray Richardson ISD
Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013

skyview elementary school
dallas, tx
February 8, 2013

Cupid forgot all about the meaning of Valentine's Day and got fat.

Dallas, TX
February 8, 2013

--nimrod nestor
shyview elemantary richardson isd
dallas, tx
February 8, 2013

Red Bull gives you wings!

--Casey Dunn
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 7, 2013

Love is like a box of chocolates, better yet, potato chips.

Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 7, 2013

Later that evening Erica noticed Mark had "liked" every single one of her beach photos from last summer.

--Daniel Bazzy- Schmidt
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 7, 2013

I Am: Male, 332 years old, 285 pounds of muscle, former match maker. Looking For: Anything with a pulse.

--Peter Johanson
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 7, 2013

Now retired from match making, Cupid spends his days binging on junk food, searching the web for his soul mate...

--Parker Johnson
Allegan High School
Allegan , MI
February 7, 2013

why should cupid spend his time flying and searching for people when he has access to everyone on Facebook in the comfort of his own home.

--Shae Justice
Allegan High School
Allegan, MI
February 7, 2013

With the rise of social networking to send love, Cupid really let himself go.

--Sawyer Johnson
Allegan High School
Allegan , MI
February 7, 2013

"I wish losing weight could be this easy."

--Ursula Hassinger
Crestwood Middle
Royal Palm Beach, FL
February 6, 2013

People don’t appreciate me as much

--salmin omer
Stagg High School
hickory hills, il
February 5, 2013

Check out the previous contest here    

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