Headline Geography

This weeks lesson:
Belarus jails Nobel Peace Prize winner for 10 years
-- 03/06/2023

Q: Belarus last week sentenced its top human rights advocate and one of the winners of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize to prison for 10 years in the latest crackdown on dissent against President Alexander Lukashenko. Where is Belarus in Eastern Europe?

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Question 2 of 5

Q: Lukashenko has ruled Belarus with an iron fist since 1994, imposing harsh penalties on anyone who challenges or protests his reign. Which Belarus neighbors is Lukashenko’s biggest ally?

A. Lithuania
B. Poland
C. Russia
D. Ukraine

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Common Core State Standard
RH.CCS.7 Grades 6-12: Students are asked to locate a country or geographical area on a map, connecting information with a specific location. Then, students answer a series of quiz questions based on a current news event happening in that location. Students must combine their prior knowledge with information presented in the question to determine the correct answers.