Words in the News

This Week's Word In The News 


A condition, period of time, or place in which a person, animal, plant, vehicle, or amount of material suspected of carrying an infectious agent is kept in confinement or isolated in an effort to prevent disease from spreading.

The state’s Department of Food and Agriculture has placed the farm under quarantine and has suspended distribution of any raw milk product produced on or after Nov. 27.
The Los Angeles Times, 12/09/2024

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Words in the News Quiz
5 Middle School Words

Click on the correct answer in the quiz below.
Then see if you can find the word in your newspaper -- the print edition, the website or the digital edition and copy the sentence for context. NOTE: High School words are much harder to find!

1. Yacht

Any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels used for pleasure cruises or racing.

Grossly offensive to decency or morality.

Sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord.

Harmful, malevolent, injurious. Harmfully cancerous.

2. Quandary

Harmful, malevolent, injurious. Harmfully cancerous.

Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise.

A state of uncertainty or perplexity.

Marked by hearty conviviality and good cheer.

3. Omnivore

Of or relating to the range of invisible radiation wavelengths from about 4 nanometers, on the border of the x-ray region, to about 380 nanometers, just beyond the violet in the visible spectrum.

The systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished.

One that takes in everything available, as with the mind.

To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive

4. Delegate

One that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious; a bother.

A person authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy.

Loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline

A movement or procedure involving skill and dexterity.

5. Tariff

Having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk.

A weather phenomenon in the Eastern Pacific that is precisely equivalent to a hurricane.

A schedule of prices or fees.

The distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.

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Common Core State Standard
LS.CCS.4/5/6 Grades 3-12: Students are asked to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words through multiple choice vocabulary quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help students demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in words, acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words, and gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Students are then asked to find the words within the newspaper and copy the sentence for context to its overall meaning or function in a sentence.