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Draw Your Own Conclusions!

Cartoons for the Classroom Caption Contest
for February 15, 2016 to February 28, 2016

Study the drawing below and come up with your own caption.

On February 28, 2016 we'll award a copy of the Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 2014 Edition to the student who submits the best caption for this cartoon.

Download a printer-friendly version of this blank cartoon here.

Download this lesson to see the caption the artist used.

3 captions were submitted for this cartoon

One is a monster, the other is a quack.

--John Heppell
Heppell Family Homeschool
Los Angeles, CA
February 27, 2016

"Heads you lose, tails you lose."

--Maddie Wolf
Westminster Elementary
Westminster, MD
February 23, 2016

What the captain saw through his binoculars made him turn the ship around!

--Ava Costigliano
Perry School
south boston, ma
February 16, 2016

Check out the previous contest here