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Quiz for the week of: May 04, 2020

Question 1 out of 5

Q: While several COVID-19 vaccine projects have moved into clinical trials, many researchers have turned to existing drugs to look for potential treatment options. The newest drug that shows promise in COVID cases, Remdesivir, was previously used to treat what?

Select your answer:
A. Whooping cough
B. Ebola
D. Polio

Step onto any school campus and you'll feel its energy. Each school is turbocharged with the power of young minds, bodies, hearts and spirits.

Here on the Western Slope, young citizens are honing and testing their skills to take on a rapidly changing world. Largely thanks to technology, they are in the midst of the most profound seismic shift the world has ever seen.

Perhaps no time in our history has it been more important to know what our youth are thinking, feeling and expressing.

The Sentinel is proud to spotlight some of their endeavors. Read on to see how some thoroughly modern students are helping learners of all ages connect with notable figures of the past.

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