Decision 2012: Romney Faces Pressure over Finances

Republican Mitt Romney has demanded an apology from President Barack Obama over allegations in an escalating battle over whether Romney's business record included outsourcing American jobs. But, the president said he wouldn't apologize for his campaign ads attacking Romney's time at Bain Capital. "I think most Americans figure if you are the chairman, C.E.O. and president of a company that you are responsible for what that company does," Obama said. Romney also has resisted demands that he release more of his income tax returns.

Class discussion: Find news reports on the dispute over Bain Capital. What do Obama's campaign ads say about Romney and Bain Capital? What does Romney say about the issue? How much information has Romney released about his finances and tax returns? How does that compare with other presidential candidates? How does it compare with the information Romney's father released when he ran for president? Are a candidate's business history and finances appropriate campaign issues?