NewsTracker Answers for week of Nov. 19, 2012

Q: After Israeli aircraft killed the top military commander of Hamas in Gaza last week, Hamas stepped up its rocket attacks while Israel widened its airstrikes. Where is Gaza on this map?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The leader of a neighboring nation condemned the pinpoint airstrike that killed Hamas leader Ahmed al-Jabari as he was riding in a car on a Gaza street. Which country borders both Gaza and Israel?

A. Syria

B. Lebanon

C. Jordan

D. Egypt

D. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's Islamist political party has the same Muslim Brotherhood origins as Hamas, which took control of Gaza in 2007 two years after Israeli forces withdrew from the territory. He accused Israel of "acts of . . . bloodshed and aggression."

Q: The Gaza conflict threatens to strain the Egypt-Israel peace treaty signed in 1979. What other Arab nation has signed a peace treaty with Israel?

A. Syria

B. Lebanon

C. Jordan

D. All of the above

C. In 1994, Jordan became the second Arab nation to normalize relations with Israel. Peace talks with Syria derailed in 2008 as Israeli-Hamas tensions erupted into the three-week Gaza War which killed more than 1,100 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.

Q: Since its founding in 1947, Israel has had continued conflicts with its Arab neighbors. When did Israel occupy Gaza and the West Bank?

A. 1948 Arab-Israeli War

B. 1967 Six-Day War

C. 1973 Yom Kippur War

D. 1987 First Intifada

B. In the Six-Day War, Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1979.

Q: In an attempt to limit Hamas rocket attacks on Israelis, Egypt and Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza in 2010. What effectively ended the blockade in 2011?

A. Egyptian revolution

B. Israeli elections

C. Palestinian uprising

D. All of the above

A. The border between Egypt and Gaza was opened after the ouster of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak who had supported the blockade and close relations with Israel.