NewsTracker Answers for week of June 17, 2013

Q: President Obama said last week that the United States would send small arms and ammunition to Syrian rebel forces because of evidence that government forces had used chemical weapons in the conflict. Where is Syria on this map?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The United Nations says between 92,900 and 100,000 Syrians have been killed since the civil war began in 2011. Much of the fighting is now centered around the nation's largest city, Aleppo, which is near Syria's northern border with . . .

A. Lebanon

B. Jordan

C. Iraq

D. Turkey

D. The Turkish government is a firm supporter of the rebels, but has not officially approved the sending of military aid. More than 200,000 Syrian refugees have crossed into Turkey to avoid the fighting.

Q: Groups identified by the United States as terrorists are supplying weapons and fighters to both sides in the civil war. One of those groups is based in Syria's eastern neighbor . .

A. Lebanon

B. Jordan

C. Iraq

D. Israel

C. Al-Qaeda in Iraq are extremist Sunni Muslims fighting their nation's Shiite majority, and they support rebels who want to establish an Islamic state in Syria. The Lebanese militia Hezbollah has sent fighters to Syria to fight alongside of the regime of President Bashar Assad who comes from the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Syria also is bounded on the west by Lebanon, southwest by Israel and south by Jordan.

Q: What nation on Iraq's eastern border is a major ally of Assad and the chief financial backer of Hezbollah?

A. Afghanistan

B. Iran

C. Pakistan

D. Saudi Arabia

B. Iran's Shiite Islamic government is believed to be one of Assad's key suppliers of rockets, anti-tank missiles, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars. Iran allegedly has been transporting most of the weapons through Iraqi airspace on commercial planes and, more recently, overland through Iraq by truck.

Q: Sectarian violence has devastated Syria, Iraq and Lebanon -- sites of some of the world's earliest civilizations. What do historians call the area that includes these modern nations?

A. Anatolia

B. Golan Heights

C. Syriana

D. Fertile Crescent

D. The Fertile Crescent is a crescent-shaped region of fertile land around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and extending along the eastern Mediterranean Sea down to the Nile River delta and valley. The earliest known western civilizations arose and flourished using the water supplies and agricultural resources in this crescent.