NewsTracker Answers for week of Jan. 08, 2018

Q: More electric and hybrid cars were sold in Norway last year than conventional fossil-fueled cars. Where is Norway?

Circle the area on this map

Q: One of the world’s richest nations, Norway offers generous incentives that make electric cars cheaper to buy and operate. Where did Norway get most of its wealth?

A. High technology

B. Industry

C. Oil and gas

D. Shipping

C. Norway is the world’s third largest exporter of natural gas and fifth largest oil exporter. But, the nation wants to phase out diesel and gasoline cars by 2025. Unlike many other oil-rich nations, Norway has saved most of its oil wealth and invested in other sectors of its economy.

Q: Most of Norway is on Europe’s largest peninsula . . .

A. Balkan

B. Iberian

C. Italian

D. Scandinavian

D. The mainlands of Norway and Sweden take up most of the Scandinavian Peninsula, which also includes northwestern Finland and a narrow bit of Russia.

Q: Norway also has thousands of islands along it coastline and the arctic archipelago of Svalbard, which is home to the Global . . .

A. Arctic Research Center

B. Seed Vault

C. Whaling Museum

D. All of the Above

B. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has more than 20 million seeds from around the world which have been frozen and stored underground. The seed vault was built by the Norwegian government and stores “backup copies” of seeds stored in other gene banks around the world.

Q: One of Norway’s most distinctive geographic features, fjords were created by . . .

A. Ice

B. Waves

C. Wind

D. All of the above

A. Prehistoric glaciers carved deep grooves into the land that were flooded by the sea following the end of the Ice Age.