NewsTracker Answers for week of Oct. 11, 2021

Q: Lebanon had no centrally generated electricity after fuel shortages forced its two largest power stations to shut down completely Saturday, and a government official said the electricity grid was unlikely to restart for several days. Where is the small nation of Lebanon on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea?

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Q: Before the shutdown, the state-run power company was able to provide electricity only a few hours a day in a country suffering an economic collapse that has plunged millions of Lebanese into poverty. The power company also has been plagued by corruption, with smugglers taking its fuel to sell at a profit in which country on Lebanon’s northern and eastern border?

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Syria

D. Turkey

C. Lebanon’s much larger Arab neighbor, Syria, has had a big impact on the nation. Syrian troops occupied much of Lebanon for 30 years, and later the Syrian civil war spilled over with warring sides fighting on Lebanese soil.

Q: Lebanon also have suffered occupation by its southern neighbor ...

A. Egypt

B. Israel

C. Jordan

D. Palestine

B. Israel invaded southern Lebanon in 1978 to stop attacks by Palestinian militants who had fled to Lebanon after they were kicked out of Jordan. The Israeli troops withdrew after the fighting, but maintained military control of a 12-mile-wide strip of Lebanon along the border.

Q: The occupations were preceded by the sectarian Lebanese Civil War, which began in 1975 and crippled Lebanon’s once-thriving economy. Which is religious sect is the largest among Lebanese citizens?

A. Catholic

B. Druze

C. Shia Muslim

D. Sunni Muslim

A. About 33% of Lebanese citizens are Maronite Catholics; about 30% are Shia Muslims; another 30% are Sunni; and a little more than 5% follow the Druze religion. Lebanon’s constitution guaranteed members each of major sect roles in the government. But, the influx of Palestinian and, later, Syrian refugees helped increase the decades of sectarian tensions and violence, resulting in political and economic collapse.

Q: For thousands of years, what is now Lebanon has been a major trading center and the country had a rapidly growing economy before its civil strife. What ancient seafaring traders originated on Lebanon’s coast?

A. Assyrians

B. Babylonians

C. Hittites

D. Phoenicians

D. Phoenicia was a maritime culture that flourished for more than a thousand years. Several city-states on the coast of what is now Lebanon grew rich trading cedar, wine, dye and other goods around the Mediterranean Sea. They established ports, warehouses, markets and colonies all across the Mediterranean and up to the southern Black Sea. Along with trade goods, the Phoenicians spread their alphabet to Europe, Anatolia and North Africa.