NewsTracker Answers for week of June 20, 2022

Q: An agreement between Canada and Denmark last week ended a 49-year-old dispute over a barren arctic rock near Greenland – a contest that saw each side planting flags and leaving bottles of their nation’s liquor on the half-square-mile Hans Island. Where is Greenland on this map, centered on the North Pole?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Hans Island is located between Canada’s Ellesmere Island and Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark. The island is in the middle of a narrow body of water called a ...

A. Atoll

B. Estuary

C. Isthmus

D. Strait

D. The Nares Strait separates the larger islands while connecting Baffin Bay in the Atlantic Ocean with the Lincoln Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Greenland is the world’s largest island, and Ellesmere Island is Canada's northernmost and third-largest island.

Q: Canada and Denmark, which handles Greenland’s foreign affairs, agreed to split ownership of Hans Island, giving the two nations a 1,400-yard land border. Previously, Canada only had a land border with the United States. Denmark only had a land border with which nation?

A. Belgium

B. Germany

C. Netherlands

D. Poland

B. Denmark occupies the northern portion of the Jutland Peninsula and Germany occupies the southern portion. Splitting up Hans Island may have created one of the world’s shortest land borders, but it completes a maritime border between Canada and Denmark that is the world’s longest at 2,412 miles.

Q: Indigenous people occupied Ellesmere Island and Greenland thousands of years before any European people made any territorial claims in the area. The first Europeans known to visit Greenland and Canada originated in which country?

A. Denmark

B. England

C. Norway

D. Spain

C. Norsemen from what is now Norway first settled in Iceland in 874. Later, Norsemen traveled about 180 miles north to Greenland to establish a settlement. Some Greenland Norse went on to what is now Newfoundland, Canada, landing 500 years before Christopher Columbus set sail. Norse settlements in Canada and Greenland were later abandoned.

Q: Despite their “whiskey war” over Hans Island, Canada and Denmark have a long friendly history. They are both founding members of which alliance?


B. Triple Alliance

C. Triple Entente

D. Warsaw Pact

A. Canada and Denmark were among the 12 European and North American nations who formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949. NATO now has 30 member countries, which have pledged to defend each other against any attack by outside nations.