NewsTracker Answers for week of Apr 29, 2024

Q: As temperatures soared past 108 degrees Fahrenheit last week, Bangladesh closed schools for 33 million students. Where is Bangladesh at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal?

Circle the area on this map

Q: A persistent heatwave across Asia already closed schools in the Philippines and in India, which borders Bangladesh to the …

A. East

B. North

C. West

D. All of the above

D. Bangladesh borders India to the north, west, and east, and Myanmar on its southeast corner. To the south, the water of Bay of Bengal is rising faster than in other major body of water, making low-lying Bangladesh one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change.

Q: Bangladesh is on the world’s largest ...

A. Bay

B. Continent

C. Delta

D. All of the above

D. Most of Bangladesh is dominated by the world’s largest river delta formed by sediment carried by the Ganges River which starts in India and the Brahmaputra which starts in China. Over thousands of years the sediment collected on shore of the Bay of Bengal, the world’s largest bay on the largest continent, Asia.

Q: Scientists say climate change has made Asia’s heatwaves more serious and more common while disrupting needed monsoon rains. If warming seawater rises another one to one and a half feet, 35 million Bangladeshis would be displaced. That’s about how much of the nation’s population?

A. 21%

B. 42%

C. 63%

D. 84%

A. Bangladesh is the world’s eighth most populous nation with 167 million people. That is more than the population of Russia, the world’s largest nation covering 6.6 million square miles. The people of Bangladesh are squeezed into 57 thousand square miles, making it one of most densely populated areas of the world.

Q: The crowded river delta was the site of the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded in 1970, killing at least 300,000 people and possibly as many as 500,000. That disaster helped spark a Bangladesh war of independence from which country?

A. Britain

B. India

C. Pakistan

D. Sri Lanka

C. When the British ended their rule of South Asia in 1947, what is now Bangladesh became the eastern part of the majority Muslim nation of Pakistan. It was separated from western Pakistan by the Hindu majority India. East and West Pakistan went to war in 1971 and Bangladesh became an independent nation in 1972.