NewsTracker Answers for week of May 06, 2024

Q: Indonesia is permanently relocating almost 10,000 residents evacuated from Ruang Island after a series of volcanic eruptions raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in the future. Where is Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which has most of world’s active volcanoes and earthquakes?

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Q: Ruang is one of the more than 17,000 islands between the Pacific and Indian oceans occupied by Indonesia, which shares a land border with …

A. East Timor

B. Malaysia

C. Papua New Guinea

D. All of the above

D. Indonesia shares a border with the nation of East Timor on the island of Timor. It has borders with Malaysia on the islands of Borneo and Sebatik. And, Papua New Guinea borders Indonesia on the island of New Guinea. Indonesia has marine borders with Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Palau, and Australia.

Q: The Ruang volcano is one of the 127 active volcanoes volcanoes found in Indonesia. Indonesia’s volcanoes are the result of what geological process?

A. Diagenesis

B. Liquefaction

C. Sedimentation

D. Subduction

D. The volcanoes and earthquakes in Indonesia, like the rest of the Pacific Ring of Fire, are created by the subduction of tectonic plates. The plates comprise the Earth’s crust and move slowly over millions of years. When the edges of the tectonic plates push into each other, one plate slides under the other in an often violent process called subduction.

Q: About 74,000 years ago, the subduction zone beneath Indonesia triggered the largest known volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. Nearly 20 years ago, it was the site of an earthquake that left an estimated 227,898 people dead. Why was the 2004 earthquake so deadly?

A. Strength

B. Duration

C. Tsunami

D. All of the above

D. The December 26th earthquake off the coast of the island of Sumatra was the strongest ever recorded in Asia and it lasted at least 10 minutes. It triggered massive tsunami waves as high as 100 feet which killed people in 14 different nations. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.

Q: Indonesia’s most active volcano is on the island of Java, the world’s ...

A. Largest

B. Most populous

C. Richest

D. All of the above

B. Java has 151.6 million people living on the world’s 13th-largest island. In all, Indonesia has a population of 281 million people, making it the fourth most populous nation behind India, China and the United States.