NewsTracker Answers for week of May 27, 2024

Q: Members of a minority Christian community were rescued last week after a Muslim crowd attacked their settlement on a blasphemy accusation in eastern Pakistan, police and a community leader said. Where is Pakistan in South Asia?

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Q: A house and factory were burned and several people beaten after neighbors claimed the Muslim holy book, the Koran, was desecrated by a Christian. A person convicted of blasphemy can be executed in seven nations including Pakistan and its northwestern neighbor ...

A. Afghanistan

B. China

C. India

D. Iran

A. Both Afghanistan northwest of Pakistan and Iran southwest of Pakistan may also execute people for insulting religion. Pakistan’s eastern neighbor, India, is one of 66 nations which can imprison people for blasphemy. In Pakistan, many who are accused of blasphemy are killed by mobs before they can be tried in court.

Q: Pakistan has the world’s second-largest Muslim population. Which nation has the largest Muslim population?

A. India

B. Indonesia

C. Iran

D. Iraq

B. Indonesia in Southeast Asia has the most Muslims, followed by Pakistan, India and Bangladesh in South Asia. Muslims account for 31% of the population of South Asia while Hindus make up 68%. Buddhists, Jains, Christians and Sikhs constitute most of the rest.

Q: When the British ended their colonial rule in 1947, national boundaries in South Asia were set along religious lines. How many times have majority-Hindu India and majority-Muslim Pakistan gone to war since the British left?

A. Twice

B. 3 times

C. 4 times

D. 6 times

C. The nations fought wars in 1947, 1965, 1971, and 1999. They also have participated in many border skirmishes, standoffs and proxy conflicts. Both countries also developed nuclear weapons in the 1970s and 1980s and have built up their arsenals.

Q: As he campaigned this spring for third term, what did India’s Hindu nationalist prime minister call the nation’s 200 million Muslims?

A. Jihadists

B. Infiltrators

C. Terrorists

D. All of the above

B. India’s main opposition party is accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of hate speech after he called Muslims “infiltrators” during an election rally. Rights groups said attacks against minorities have become more brazen since Modi came to power in 2014. They cited the scores of Muslims being lynched for allegedly eating beef, an animal considered holy to Hindus.