Namibia plans to kill elephants for meat

Q: Namibia plans to butcher more than 700 wild animals, including 83 elephants, to feed some of the 1.4 million people facing a hunger crisis amid the country’s worst drought in a century. Where is the southwest African nation of Namibia?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Namibia’s name is derived from the Namib Desert, which extends 1,200 miles along the Atlantic Coast. It starts in which nation north of Namibia?

A. Angola

B. Botswana

C. South Africa

D. Zambia

Q: Most of the Namib Desert is uninhabited, making Namibia one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Which independent nation has the fewest people per square mile?

A. Australia

B. Canada

C. Mongolia

D. Namibia

Q: Namibians facing hunger in the current drought are about half the nation’s 2.8 million people. While Namibia is among the wealthier nations in Africa, it is the second-most unequal nation in the world. Which of its neighbors has the world’s largest gap in wealth?

A. Angola

B. Botswana

C. South Africa

D. Zambia

Q: Namibia gained its independence in 1990 after being ruled for 75 years which nation?

A. Angola

B. Germany

C. Portugal

D. South Africa

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