Flash floods kill more than 200 in Spain
Nov. 04, 2024
Q: More than 200 people died in flash floods last week after a year’s worth of rain fell on parts of Spain in eight hours. The death toll was expected rise as searches of wrecked vehicles and buildings continued. Where is Spain?
Circle the area on this map
Q: Areas near the eastern and southern coasts of Spain were hit hardest by the flooding. Those coasts are on which body of water?

A. Bay of Biscay

B. Gulf of Cadiz

C. Mediterranean Sea

D. North Sea

Q: When the rain first began to fall, it was welcomed by some as relief from a prolonged drought, But, the deluge rolled off much of the hard-baked ground as the raging floodwaters raced toward the sea. Besides droughts and floods, how is climate change impacting Spain?

A. Desertification

B. Heat deaths

C. Rising sea levels

D. All of the above

Q: Climate change also is affecting agriculture on the Iberian Peninsula, which once served as a “granary” for what ancient Mediterranean civilization?

A. Greek

B. Phoenician

C. Roman

D. All of the above

Q: Angry survivors hurled mud at Spain’s king and queen on Sunday. The Kingdom or Spain emerged in 1492 with the final defeat of invaders from ...

A. Africa

B. France

C. Germany

D. Turkey

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