Rebel troops capture large city in Congo
Feb. 03, 2025
Q: A rebel militia has seized Goma, a Democratic Republic of Congo city near its eastern border with Rwanda, leaving about 2 million people desperately struggling to find enough water and food to survive. Where is the Democratic Republic of Congo, the second-largest nation by area in Africa?
Circle the area on this map
Q: Rebels control much of the mineral-rich territory of eastern Congo. Which Europeans exploited Congo and its people to extract great wealth from natural resources?

A. Belgians

B. British

C. French

D. Germans

Q: The country has suffered decades of dictatorship and violent power struggles since gaining independence in 1960. Most of its 115 million people are among the poorest in the world, but its mineral wealth is estimated at ...

A. $24 billion

B. $240 billion

C. $2.4 trillion

D. $24 trillion

Q: Congo’s government and more than 100 rebel groups compete to control those natural resources. The group that took Goma is the strongest rebel group with an estimated 6,000 troops backed up by 4,000 soldiers from which neighboring nation?

A. Burundi

B. Central African Republic

C. Rwanda

D. Uganda

Q: Democratic Republic of Congo is the fourth-poorest nation in the world, according to the CIA World Factbook. Which of is neighbors is ranked as the poorest nation?

A. Burundi

B. Central African Republic

C. Rwanda

D. Uganda

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