South votes overwhelmingly to secede from Sudan

Q: Nearly 99 percent of southern Sudanese voters have chosen to split off from northern Sudan and form their own country, according to preliminary results of a referendum. Where is Sudan?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The referendum is the result of a 2005 agreement to end one of Africa's worst civil wars. Ethnic and religious factions have fought each other almost continually since 1956, when Sudan gained independence from . . .

A. Britain

B. Egypt

C. Britain and Egypt

D. Britain, Egypt and Ethiopia

Q: Sudan is the largest country in Africa. If it splits into two nations, which country will have the biggest area on the continent?

A. Algeria

B. South Africa

C. Libya

D. Nigeria

Q: What is the dominant religion in Sudan?

A. Animist

B. Buddhist

C. Christian

D. Muslim

Q: Before the south can peacefully secede from Sudan several contentious issues must be settled. Which is the biggest issue yet to be resolved?

A. Water rights

B. Border lines

C. Oil profits

D. Tribal differences

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