5 killed by bow-and-arrow attack in Norway

Q: A 37-year-old man was charged in a bow-and-arrow rampage last week that killed five people and wounded three others in a small town in Norway, which recorded only 31 murders last year. Where is Norway?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The attack took place in Kongsberg, a town of around 25,000 people that is about 50 miles southwest of Norway’s capital of ...

A. Copenhagen

B. Helsinki

C. Oslo

D. Stockholm

Q: The suspect shot arrows at the unarmed police who first confronted him. He escaped and killed five at random before he was captured. Most Norwegian police do not usually carry guns. Police do not ordinarily carry guns on patrol in what other nation?

A. Botswana

B. Britain

C. New Zealand

D. All of the above

Q: While Norway’s 5.3 million people suffered 31 murders last year, 549 of South Carolina’s 5.1 million residents were murdered in 2020. Norway has one of the world’s lowest homicide rates. What nation has the highest number of homicides per 100,000 people?

A. El Salvador

B. India

C. Kenya

D. United States

Q: Last week’s attack was the worst mass killing in Norway since 2011, when extremist Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people, most of them teenagers at a camp. Who did Breivick rage against during his trial?

A. Christians

B. Muslims

C. Police

D. Teenagers

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