Anti-crime presidential candidate is gunned down in Ecuador
Aug. 14, 2023
Q: A presidential candidate who campaigned against the link between organized crime and Ecuador’s officials was assassinated by armed gunmen last week after a political rally in the nation’s capital Quito. Where is Ecuador on the western edge of South America?
Circle the area on this map
Q: Six suspects were arrested in the killing of Fernando Villavicencio, the candidate and a former journalist. The six men were from what country that borders Ecuador to the north?

A. Bolivia

B. Colombia

C. Peru

D. Venezuela

Q: Colombians also were arrested in the 2021 assassination of the president of the poorest nation in the Americas. What is the poorest country in the western hemisphere?

A. Belize

B. Bermuda

C. Haiti

D. Honduras

Q: Drug gangs use Ecuador to ship cocaine produced in Columbia and Peru. Earlier this year, Ecuadorean authorities seized cocaine worth $330 million in a shipment of bananas bound for which country that is the de facto capital of the European Union?

A. Belgium

B. France

C. Germany

D. Netherlands

Q: As both as a candidate and as journalist, Villavicencio took aim at drug gangs and public corruption. Journalists across Latin America have been killed for reporting on those same topics. Which Latin American nation had the most journalists killed last year?

A. El Salvador

B. Haiti

C. Honduras

D. Mexico

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