Austria to become ice-free within 45 years
Apr 08, 2024
Q: Austrian glaciers receded last year at a rapid pace and the European country is likely to be largely ice-free in 40 to 45 years as the process continues, experts said last week. Where is Austria?
Circle the area on this map
Q: All but one of the 93 Austrian mountain glaciers measured receded in 2022-2023. Austria is in which mountain range?
A. Alps
B. Balkan Mountains
C. Carpathians
D. Dovrefjell Mountains
Q: Before the start of the last glacial period, the Earth was warmer than the present day, ocean levels were 20 to 30 feet higher and the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was about 280 parts per million. How much carbon dioxide in today’s atmosphere?
A. 281 parts per million
B. 361 parts per million
C. 441 parts per million
D. 521 parts per million
Q: Glaciers in the Alps are melting at different rates depending on temperatures, terrain and altitude.Even the tallest mountains have shrinking glaciers. Which mountain range is the world’s highest???
A. Andes
B. Himalayas
C. Rockies
D. Urals
Q: What is the consequence of global warming speeding up glacial melting around the world?
A. Catastrophic flooding
B. Water shortages
C. Power shortages
D. All of the above
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