Heat kills more than 1,000 pilgrims in Saudi Arabia
June 24, 2024
Q: More than 1,000 people died during Hajj this year as extreme heat hammered the nearly two million who took part in the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Every Muslim is required to make the pilgrimage once in their lifetime if they are able. Where is Saudi Arabia?
Circle the area on this map
Q: Most of the dead came from Saudi Arabia’s nearest North African neighbor ...
A. Egypt
B. Iran
C. Jordan
D. Tunisia
Q: Temperatures as high as 124 degrees Fahrenheit also killed 236 pilgrims from the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country ...
A. Afghanistan
B. Indonesia
C. Iran
D. Pakistan
Q: Is this year’s Hajj pilgrimage the deadliest?
A. Yes
B. No
Q: Much of North America also suffered unseasonably high temperatures for several miserable days last week. What kills more people in the United States?
A. Earthquakes
B. Floods
C. Heat
D. Tornadoes
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