15 die in Louisiana terrorist attack
Jan. 06, 2025
Q: Early New Year’s Day a Texas man drove a truck through a crowd of revelers on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana, killing at least 14 people and injuring another 30. The driver was then killed in a shoot-out with police. Where is Louisiana?
Circle the area on this map
Q: Before the attack, the driver proclaimed his support for what terrorist group?

A. Atomwaffen Division

B. Islamic State (ISIS)

Ku Klux Klan

D. National Liberation Army

Q: Police believe Jabbar acted alone but may have been planning his terror attack for more than six weeks. The attack took place before which event that draws thousands of visitors to New Orleans?

A. Mardi Gras

B. Sugar Bow

C. Super Bowl

D. All of the above

Q: New Orleans is 307 years old, the largest city in Louisiana and a major U.S port. But, tourism is a major industry in the Crescent City. How much did tourists spend in New Orleans in 2023?

A. $4.5 billion

B. $6.7 billion

C. $8.7 billion

D. $10.5 billion

Q: Suspected bomb-making materials were found in Jabbar’s home in Houston. Texas is ...

A. West of Louisiana

B. North of Louisiana

C. East of Louisiana

D. South of Louisiana

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