NIE provides the Tampa Bay Times and related educational resources to schools at no cost to schools, teachers or families through sponsor and subscriber support.

The annual NIE Educator of the Year contest recognizes educators who use the Tampa Bay Times and NIE materials to enhance student learning and the learning environment.

Educators (teachers, media specialists, paraprofessionals, etc.) of any grade and subject in public and private schools in Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk counties are eligible to enter.

Deadline: Entries for the 2025 contest will be accepted Jan. 1 – April 30, 2025.

Nominee Information:
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email Address:*
Phone Number (with area code):*
School Name:*
School County:*
Grade Level Taught:*
Subjects Taught:*
Your Information (if different)
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email Address:*
Phone Number (with area code):*
Tell us in 250 words or less how the nominee uses the Tampa Bay Times and/or NIE resources to enhance student learning and the learning environment.
Attachment (optional):

You are strongly encouraged to attach documents such as lesson plans, photos, examples of student work, etc. here to supplement your nomination. Attachments are not required for entry. Please combine all documents into a single .pdf, .doc or .docx document. No other file type is accepted and attempting to attach another file type will cause your submission to fail.

Please note: Submission of a lesson, unit, program, project or explanation of strategies gives the Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education program the right to publish the documents on its website and in other publications. Please make clear whether NIE has permission to publish any photos that are submitted.

Thank you for teaching the Times!