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XPI Student Showcase

Welcome to Xpress Plugged In, our new online gallery of student expressions. Please follow the submission instructions CAREFULLY. New work will be posted every Monday.
-- Nancy Green, editor of XPI

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Selections for the Week of 11/15/2010

Spotlight on Christ the King Catholic School,

Pet Portrait, oil pastel and marker
Abby McLachlan, second grade


Dew is in the air
And the animals harvest
It is now autumn

Carter Roth, fourth grade


Autumn leaves turning
Red and green colors
On the oak trees rustling

Daniel Guagliardo, fourth grade



Fish, oil pastel and marker
Morgan Johnson, second grade


I see leaves falling
Animals have to harvest
Time to rake the leaves

Katherine Fernandez, fourth grade


Colorful leaves fall
Squirrels storing nuts in trees
What a great fall day!

Anamaria Lefler, fourth grade



Long-necked Dinosaur, watercolor, salt and marker
Lauren Clark, first grade


I walk in the park
In my blue warm buttoned boots
Fall is my comfort

Kate Sweeney, fourth grade


I watch and listen
Waiting for any movement
In the wilderness

Brian Mueller, fourth grade



Fish, mixed media
Olivia Williams, third grade