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Online Extras (Updated every Monday)

Answer FIVE Geography questions each week based on major news events.

This Week's lesson:
‘Unsinkable’ superyacht goes down off the coast of Sicily

Click here to take the quiz

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This Week's lesson:

Tech refreshes for a new school year: Digital notebook, memory storage, power banks and more

At the start of a fresh academic year, here's a timely roundup of affordable tools to support note-taking, projects, homework and comfort. They include portable chargers, a digital notebook, a laptop stand and a tech-tailored backpack. Students ...

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Tap the wealth of information in your newspaper as a teaching tool:

 Elementary (K-4)
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Diversity, multiculturalism, worldwide events. You'll find plenty for classroom discussions in this listing of events.

View this week in history

Science Audio webcasts: An exclusive partnership with Pulse of the Planet, updated daily with two-minute sound portraits of Planet Earth. Tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide, blending interviews with extraordinary natural sounds.

Listen now

This Week's lesson:

Trained dogs help save lives at Spanish beach

A team of trained dogs - mostly the Labrador and Newfoundland breeds wearing special life vests - has been lending their towing strength, swimming endurance and current-detection ability to rescue people from drowning at a popular beach in southern S...

View this week's new video!

The news media shape how we see and understand the world around us. With its new video series, NBCU Academy takes a deep dive into what it means to be a journalist today, how the industry is evolving, and how the next generation can help.

Click here to view this week's video

NASA's Night Sky Network

A monthly column on the latest space discoveries and technologies for elementary students (Updated Monthly)

Click here to read this month's column

How well do you keep up with the world around you? Take this week’s quiz to test your knowledge of recent national and world events.

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This Week's lesson:

Hacking presidential campaigns

Click here to download this lesson

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This week's word in the news: FORENSICS


Related to scientific methods of solving crimes; examining the objects or substances involved in a crime.

Prosecutors questioned digital forensics analyst Matthew Hovanec during rebuttal testimony on Friday, asking him about finding deleted messages on a cellphone.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal -- 08/26/2024

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