Teacher Resources (Updated every Monday)

Mayor of Paris follows through on promise to swim in Seine

Discussion prompts & video archive.

The news media shape how we see and understand the world around us. With its new video series, NBCU Academy takes a deep dive into what it means to be a journalist today, how the industry is evolving, and how the next generation can help.

Click here to view this week's video

NASA's Night Sky Network

A monthly column on the latest space discoveries and technologies for elementary students (Updated Monthly)

Click here to read this month's column

Election drama: Democratic convention will pick a nominee as Biden ends campaign against Trump

-- Front Page Talking Points Archive


Download a lesson based on political cartoons and print it out for use in your classroom. (PDF format)

This week's lesson: Can political loyalty be good or bad?

Download this week's lesson
There are more than 180 lessons archived for your use

Diversity, multiculturalism, worldwide events. You'll find plenty for classroom discussions in this listing of events.

World’s rarest whale washes up on New Zealand beach

Answer FIVE Geography questions each week based on major news events.

Archive of Geography quizzes

Tap the wealth of information in your newspaper as a teaching tool:


Science Webcasts

Science Audio webcasts: An exclusive partnership with Pulse of the Planet, updated with two-minute sound portraits of Planet Earth. Tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide, blending interviews with extraordinary natural sounds.

Click here to listen

This week's word in the news: NEUROPSYCHOLOGY


The study of the brain related to specific psychological processes and behaviors.

Local experts in mental health, political science and neuropsychology told the Dayton Daily News that elections can be a difficult time for mental health as strongly held beliefs can be challenged by deep political divides.
Dayton Daily News -- 07/22/2024

 Elementary School
 Middle School
 High School