July 3 in History

This Day in History provided by The Free Dictionary

 Today's birthday

Today's Birthday provided by The Free Dictionary

For the week of Jun. 30, 2024

McCarran-Walter Act (1952): United States. This U.S. immigration act, passed during the Korean War over President Trumanis veto, generally reaffirmed earlier, restrictive immigration policies but removed the ban against naturalization of Asian and Pacific immigrants. This provision was greeted with jubilation by Japanese-born residents of the United States, who had been barred under previous laws from seeking citizenship. Another provision of the law, however, empowered the Attorney General to deport immigrants for Communist sympathies even if they had become citizens. This provision led to wide-spread investigations and deportations of Chinese residents.

Canada Day: Canada. Known as Dominion Day until 1982, this day celebrates the confederation of upper and lower Canada into the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Observed on Monday, July 2.

Independence Day: Algeria. Ruled by the Ottoman Turks since the mid-sixteenth century and populated mainly by Arabs who introduced Islam as the countryis predominant religion, Algeria became a colony of France in 1848. A war of independence from France began in 1954, and Algeria became independent in 1962.

Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882): Italian. Military leader. Garibaldi led the military forces of the revolutionary movement for the unification and independence of Italy from 1884 to 1867. A national hero, Garibaldi is considered one of the great guerrilla generals of modern times.

Edmonia Lewis (1845-unknown date, after 1911): African American and American Indian (Ojibway ). Sculptor. Lewis largely self-taught, first came to public attention in 1864 with a medallion of the head of John Brown and a portrait bust of the late Civil War hero Robert Gould Shaw. Sale of copies of the Shaw bust earned her enough to travel to Rome, where she established a studio and pursued a successful career, which peaked in the late 60s and early 70s. Much of her work is lost today, but it is known to have included a number of works depicting African American and Indians themes.

Independence Day: United States. This commemorates the day in 1776 that delegates of the Thirteen Colonies signed the Declaration of Independence announcing their separation from Great Britain and the establishment of the United States of America.

Philippine- American Friendship Day: Philippines. This celebrates the day in 1946 that the United States granted independence to the Philippines after ruling it since 1905.

Independence Day: Venezuela. first colonized by Spain in the fifteenth century, Venezuela began a war of independence led by Francisco de Miranda and Simon Bolivar that lasted from 1810 to 1821. It is on this day in 1811 that Venezuela declared its independence from Spain. This day is celebrated in Venezuela as a national holiday.