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Common Core State Standard
SL.CCS.1/2/3/4 Grades 6-12: An essay of a current news event is provided for discussion to encourage participation, but also inspire the use of evidence to support logical claims using the main ideas of the article. Students must analyze background information provided about a current event within the news, draw out the main ideas and key details, and review different opinions on the issue. Then, students should present their own claims using facts and analysis for support.


Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine, her ticket mate, are in Democratic convention spotlight this week

Tell something you learn from any Philadelphia article or column.
Pick a convention photo. What emotion or thought comes to mind?
Share a comment from a young delegate or someone representing your state

The Democratic presidential candidate, who'll be formally nominated Tuesday night at her party's national convention in Philadelphia, is certainly no newcomer to federal government. She was a U.S. senator from New York from 2001-09 and served as secretary of state under President Barack Obama from 2009-13 after running against him in 2008 primaries. She’s also a former First Lady who lived in the White House from 1993–2001 when her husband Bill led the country. Now she makes history as the first female major party nominee for that office.

This past weekend, Clinton introduced her newly picked running mate – Timothy Kaine, a U.S. senator from Virginia and past governor there. At a Miami rally, Clinton said her choice contrasts with Republican nominee Donald Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana. "Sen. Tim Kaine is everything Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not," she said. "He is qualified to step into this job and lead on day one." Even a Republican colleague in the Senate, Jeff Flake of Arizona, called him "a good man" in a tweet and said he’s "drawing a blank" on reasons to dislike him.

The four-day Democratic event starts Monday, a week after the Republicans opened their Cleveland convention. Clinton now uses a line from a Florida senator's closing-night address at the Ohio arena. "I never thought I'd say these words, but Ted Cruz was right," she says before and quoted his words: "Vote your conscience." Cruz, a primary season opponent, pointedly didn't endorse his party's nominee.

Each night in Philadelphia will feature prominent speakers in prime time, starting with First Lady Michelle Obama and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont (a primary season rival) on Monday. Husband Bill Clinton is in Tuesday's lineup, followed by President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday. For the closing act, Chelsea Clinton will praise her mom before the nominee gives her acceptance speech.

Clinton says: "When you pulled back the curtain [last week in Cleveland], it was just Donald Trump with nothing to offer the American people."

Columnist says: "You can never take away the fact that she was the one who made the idea of a woman becoming president so normal that many young women are bored by it." – Gail Collins, New York Times

Convention site: Wells Fargo Center is home of the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team and the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team. It's the first presidential nominating session in Philadelphia since 1948.

Front Page Talking Points is written by Alan Stamm for, Copyright 2024

Front Page Talking Points Archive

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Justice Samuel Alito adds two flags to Supreme Court ethics storms

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Needy families await action on bill to restore federal internet service rebates

Colorful ocean coral is bleached white around the world for the second time in 10 years, causing alarm

U.S. government may challenge concert business dominance of Live Nation and Ticketmaster

Complete archive

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