Militia declares ceasefire in 40-year fight with Turkey
Mar. 03, 2025
Q: Kurdish militants who have waged a 40-year insurgency in Turkey declared a ceasefire last week after their imprisoned leader told them to disarm. Where is Turkey?
Circle the area on this map
Q: The Kurds are a Southwest Asian ethnic group of 30 to 45 million people who have sought an independent nation for more than a century. They are a minority in Turkey and in which of its neighbors that recently underwent a revolution?

A. Armenia

B. Georgia

C. Iraq

D. Syria

Q: Kurds have a separate language and do not comprise a majority in any nation. Kurdish is most closely related to the language of which country?

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Syria

D. Turkey

Q: More than 40,000 people have been killed in decades of conflict between the Turkish government and the PKK group of Kurdish militants whose founder called for the ceasefire. He has been imprisoned since 1999 when he was captured in Nairobi, the capital of ...

A. Ethiopia

B. Kenya

C. Nigeria

D. South Africa

Q: Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city and straddles the Bosporus Strait, the boundary between Asia and Europe. The city was founded as Byzantium by Greek settlers around 660 BC, and it later was the capital of which empire?

A. Byzantine

B. Ottoman

C. Roman

D. All of the above

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