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July 20, 2016 : Meet Me in Philly

The Mini Page is a syndicated, four-page tabloid written for young children found each Wednesday in The Denver Post. This issue of The Mini Page is available through the eEdition Archive to registered eEdition subscribers

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1. Divide a p iece of paper into two halves. On one side, paste a newspaper picture of the Democratic presidential nominee. On the other side, paste a newspaper picture of the vice presidential nominee. Under each picture, write information about the nominees: name, age, previous jobs and interesting facts.

2. In the newspaper , circle stories ab out Philadelphia sports teams. List the sports and the names of the Philly teams.

3. Lo ok at the list of delegates on The Mini Page. How many delegates does your state have? Find two states with more delegates than yours. Find two states that have fewer. Why do you think states have different numbers of delegates?

4. How are the se important to the Democratic P arty: (a) women delegates, (b) civil rights, (c) Baltimore and (d) Barack Obama?

5. Use newspaper stories to learn facts about the Democratic candidates for president and vice president. Then read editorials or opinion columns on the candidates. What positive points do opinion writers make about the candidates? What negative points do they describe? Write a paragraph expressing your thoughts based on the facts and opinion pieces you’ve read.

Mini Page activities meet many state and national educational standards. Each week we identify standards that relate to The Mini Page content and offer activities that will help your students reach them.

This week's standard:
Students understand the ideas, principles and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic. (Social studies: Civics)

(standards by Dr. Sherrye D. Garrett, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

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