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Common Core State Standard
LS.CCS.4/5/6 Grades 3-12: Students are asked to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words through multiple choice vocabulary quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help students demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in words, acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words, and gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Students are then asked to find the words within the newspaper and copy the sentence for context to its overall meaning or function in a sentence.
This Week's Word In The News 


Able to work as intended or able to succeed. Able to continue to exist.

Trump contended that without that surplus, “Canada ceases to exist as a viable Country.
Alaska Dispatch, 02/03/2025

Words in the News Quiz
5 Elementary Words

Click on the correct answer in the quiz below.
Then see if you can find the word in your newspaper -- the print edition, the website or the digital edition and copy the sentence for context. NOTE: High School words are much harder to find!

1. stamina

Displeasing to the eye

Approaching; drawing near; about to happen

The energy and strength for continuing to do something over a long period of time ; power of sustained exertion, or resistance to hardship, illness etc.

The ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future.

2. circumference

The line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional figure.

Existing or occurring at the moment.

Make an idea, impression, or feeling known or understandable to someone.

Dark or dreary in character; joyless, and grim.

3. clarify

Dependent on each other

To make clear; to free from obscurities; to brighten or illuminate.

A gift or payment to a common fund or collection.

To hear a conversation one is not intended to hear; to listen in.

4. majority

To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own.

More than half (50%) of some group

The fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance; diligent enthusiasm; powerful interest.

Of a central nature, first and foremost

5. reflection

An attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or will do something.

The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it

Progress toward a goal.

To bring down the size, quantity, value or intensity of something; to diminish, to lower, to impair.

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