Headline Geography

This weeks lesson:
Cough syrup tied to scores of child deaths in Gambia
-- 10/17/2022

Q: Gambia's government said last week that the number of child deaths from acute kidney injury, thought to be linked to Indian-made cough syrups, had risen to 70. Where is the West African nation of The Gambia, the smallest country on the continental mainland?

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Question 2 of 5

Q: The factory that made the suspect syrup was shut down by India, which produces about a third of the world's medicines. Which country is the biggest importer of Indian pharmaceuticals?

A. Britain
B. Russia
C. South Africa
D. United States

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Common Core State Standard
RH.CCS.7 Grades 6-12: Students are asked to locate a country or geographical area on a map, connecting information with a specific location. Then, students answer a series of quiz questions based on a current news event happening in that location. Students must combine their prior knowledge with information presented in the question to determine the correct answers.